PinnedPublished inPodfanI ❤ RSSI’d like to take a moment to recognize RSS. An antiquated piece of web technology to be sure, built on XML, a relic of the web’s past. And…Jul 15, 20191Jul 15, 20191
Implementing a simple, effective search in Firebase with just FirestoreWhen I was building my first full-scale Firebase app, I quickly discovered that search is one of the drawbacks of firestore. From the docs:Nov 6, 20201Nov 6, 20201
Published inPodfanIntroducing a new podcast that anyone can publish toPodfan is trying something new— and trying to solve one of the core problems of podcasting at the same time.Jul 2, 2020Jul 2, 2020
New Mantra: HeadspaceI had a bit of a revelation recently. It only took me 40 years to figure this out…Jan 17, 2020Jan 17, 2020
Dynamic subscriptions with proxy observables in RxJsHave you ever wished there was an RxJs method that would let you have one observable for multiple observable streams that are constantly…Oct 7, 2019Oct 7, 2019
You may say I’m a tapper, but I’m not the only oneIdle games are my guilty addiction.Sep 30, 20191Sep 30, 20191
Published inBrieBug BlogInternationalizing your Angular appA guided tour of your options and how to implement them.Sep 5, 20191Sep 5, 20191
Published inBrieBug BlogMaking Use of WebSockets in Angular — Way Easier Than You ExpectedUsing WebSockets may seem daunting, but they are delightfully simple. And what you’ll be really glad to know, is that RxJs ships with a…May 16, 20193May 16, 20193
Published inBrieBug BlogAngular: Implementing Drag and Drop in a Material treeThe Material CDK released Drag and Drop in version 7, and it offers a powerful api for supporting drag and drop in your Angular app! The…Mar 27, 201916Mar 27, 201916
Charting a course for Apple’s role in podcastsApple has thus far been a noble steward of podcasts, and you could easily make the case that Apple brought podcasts into the mainstream…Mar 19, 2019Mar 19, 2019